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Basics commands.

Markdown syntax is a lighweight markup language for creating formatted text. John Gruber and Aaron Swartz created Markdown in 2004.


Heading level 1

Syntax: # Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Syntax: ## Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Syntax: #### Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Syntax: ##### Heading level 4

Heading level 5

Syntax: ##### Heading level 5

Heading level 6

Syntax: ###### Heading level 6


This is a paragraph with bold character. The sistax is: ** Your Text **


This is a paragraph with italic character. The sistax is: * Your Text *

Bold and Italic

This is a paragraph with bold character. The sistax is: *** Your Text ***

Order List

You need to write a some number with one dot

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

Unorder List

Sintax: * Item 1 or - Item 1 or + Item 1

  • Item 1
  • Item 2


Sintax: ![Gato](./gato-risa.jpeg).


To add a table, use three or more hypherns --- to create each column´s header. Use pipes | to separate each column.

| Syntax    | Description |
|   ---     |    ---      |
| Header    |    Title    |
| Paragraph 1 |    Text 1    |
| Paragraph 2 |    Text 2    |
Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph 1 Text 1
Paragraph 2 Text 2

Alignment Tables

| Syntax          | Description          | Test Text       |
|   :---          |       :---:          |       ---:      |
|  Left Alignment |    Center Alignment  | Right Alignment |
| Paragraph 1     |    Text 1            |     Text 1      |
| Paragraph 2     |    Text 2            |     Text 2      |
Syntax Description Test Text
Left Alignment Center Alignment Right Alignment
Paragraph 1 Text 1 Text 1
Paragraph 2 Text 2 Text 2

Block of code

If we can write a block of code like one Json. You need to write ``` at the begining and other ``` at the end.



var myObject = {
    name = "Sergio",
    nameExample = "Block of code",
    GitHub = ""


var myObject = {
    name = "Sergio",
    nameExample = "Block of code",
    GitHub = ""